· Short Paragraph on ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ The ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ slogan is not just any other saying. A lot of effort has been put by the government and social groups to save, protect and educate the daughters of India. In the 21st century, India has progressed in almost all fields · Paragraph on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao – Words for Classes 6, 7 Students. Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao is a government initiative started under BJP back in the year The main motive of the government was the emancipation of girls in society. India currently lacks in ensuring welfare for the female blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins · Short and Long Paragraph on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao · Essay. April 20, by Abhishek Singh. “Beti Bachao Beti Padhao” is a scheme launched by the Government of India with the prime objective of eliminating the incidents of female foeticide and also to ensure the fundamental right to health and education of a girl child
Paragraph on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao – Long and Short Paragraphs
Beti Beti bachao beti padhao short paragraph Beti Padhaobeti bachao beti padhao short paragraph, abbreviated as BBBP, was started by the present Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi at Panipat, Haryana on 22nd January, The campaign addresses the diminishing Child Sex Ratio CSR and other issues related to women empowerment during the life-cycle. Daughters are equally important just like the sons and they can also bring pride to the parents and the nation too provided they get equal opportunities in our society.
Education plays a very important role in making females equally strong and confident. Here we have provided both short and long paragraphs on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao in order to help you whenever you need to write paragraphs, essay or small article on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao topic in the class, during exams, writing competitions, etc. Daughters are precious and it takes a lot of time for some parents to realize the same.
The NDA Government led by the Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi is attempting to bring about a transformational change in the manner our society looks at the girl child. Several people across India are moved by this gesture of the respected PM and are supporting the campaign. Modi also urged the parents to share their selfies with daughters and this initiative soon became popular world-wide. People from all over India and the world shared their self clicked photographs with daughters and it became a proud event for all those parents who have daughters.
Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao is a national campaign which has gained much popularity on International level today. The aim of this campaign is to equalize the Child Sex Ratio, as there is a considerable difference between girl and boy child numbers. The Indian PM, Mr Narendra Modi started this campaign which inspired several people especially the youth who joined hands and are supporting the mission with a lot of enthusiasm and fervour.
Through story dramatization, public is getting sensitized towards these critical social issues, such as sex-selective abortion, crime against women, gender inequality, social discrimination between boy and girl child, etc. Different groups, NGOs, college students, etc have come together to highlight the problems related to the girl child and various difficulties she undergoes throughout her life.
Street plays and dramas are being staged to spread awareness about the rights of the girl child. BBBP is not only a national campaign; instead it has gained high popularity in foreign countries too. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao BBBP campaign was basically started to promote the safety of girl child.
There are several people who still discriminate between a girl and a boy child. But the fact is that a girl child is no less than a boy. In the present times, girls in fact are bringing a lot of accolades to its family and nation as a whole in every field including sports, beti bachao beti padhao short paragraph, politics, entertainment, corporate world, wrestling, etc.
But people still have that old school mentality that girls are rather a liability and thus, various people started getting sex of the child determined before its birth and aborting the girl child in the womb itself. This practice is more prevalent in rural areas and villages, urban places are not absolutely unaffected though. The primary reason behind these ill-practices is due to the increase in the crime against women.
Girls are never taught to be beti bachao beti padhao short paragraph and fight for their rights. Since childhood, they are taught to make compromises; first for their brother and father when they are young, compromise for husband, in-laws, once they get married and later compromise for son and the family, etc. This trend makes the girls vulnerable and prone to crimes. In order to make the mission BBBP successful, we must first teach the existing girls how to be strong and self-willed and more importantly determined in order to take decisions of their own lives.
Since several eras, girls have been treated as a domestic slave and are given food to eat, clothes to wear and house to live in only by their male counterparts, beti bachao beti padhao short paragraph, but she has got no rights to speak in the family matter or to express herself for that matter.
Important decisions are taken without her consent, which could be as important as deciding not to bring the girl child into this world. Lots of people who have more than one daughter live in a pitiable condition; society start advising them to have a baby boy as quickly as possible because only sons can look after them.
The current PM of India, Mr. He even made Sakshi Malik, the brand ambassador of this campaign, who won the Bronze Medal in the Olympics. Several other girls like Sakshi Malik have earned accolades for the nation such as P V Sindhu, Mithali Raj, Saina Nehwal and Saniya Mirza, to name a few. For infusing self confidence in girls, it is important that they are aware of their rights and right to education is one of the most important rights which a girl child should have equal access to.
Population and poverty are other reasons why lots of parents are forced to stop the education of girl child if they have several kids. Through the campaign BBBP, the entire nation is trying to bring equality between the genders.
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao is a world-wide popular campaign which has awakened several people beti bachao beti padhao short paragraph India and the world; it has broadened the minds of thousands of people who discriminated between a girl and a boy child.
Under this campaign, one of the districts named Pithoragarh, situated in Uttarakhand, India has taken several steps towards preventing the girl child and facilitating her education. Several villages situated across India are also joining the scheme; people are organising meetings and forums in order to develop clear road maps and for awakening the masses about the dangerously falling girl child ratio. In order to reach out to the community at large, different types of activities, beti bachao beti padhao short paragraph, plays and dramas are being performed.
Several rallies, road shows, etc have been organized by the young students, college beti bachao beti padhao short paragraph, school students, etc with core participation from schools, colleges, institutes, employees from the private organisations as well as government departments.
Different NGOs have also joined hands and organize various activities for increasing awareness about Beti Bachao Beti Padhao. Street plays are organized in the rural and urban areas, including local markets, shopping malls, etc for raising the sensitivity of people towards the girl child.
Large hoardings and banners are placed at populous places in order to grab the attention of a larger audience. Mansa district in Punjab has initiated a scheme to encourage its girls to gain education. This initiative received grand response and approximately 70 students have already received an opportunity to spend a day with different types of professionals; the girls see them operating in a professional environment which not only inspire them, but would also help them in taking informed decisions about their career, beti bachao beti padhao short paragraph.
India has got a rich cultural past which is still continuing and status in almost every field, including education, technology, science, politics, literature, social work, leadership, beti bachao beti padhao short paragraph. But even after 70 years of Independence, India is still struggling to eradicate crimes against women and complete uproot them from the nation.
Crimes and ill practices such as dowry killing, female foeticide, discrimination between a girl and a boy child, depriving a girl child from her fundamental rights such as food, shelter, clothing and basic education are still prevalent in some parts of India.
We should understand that women are an indispensable part of our society, beti bachao beti padhao short paragraph, but the increasing rise against them has not only forced them to become submissive and vulnerable but has also resulted into a decrease in the sex ratio of females.
Saving girl child is highly important to strike a balance between both the sexes. The PM of India, Mr. To make the BBBP campaign successful, the government has made several strategies which include building an incessant communication as well as social mobilization campaign to create equal respect and value for the girl child in our society and encourage their higher education amongst the families. The campaign mainly focuses on districts and cities which vary a lot on child sex ratio, beti bachao beti padhao short paragraph.
The aim of the BBBP mission is to ensure that the service delivery programs and structures are resourceful and responsive to the problems of girl child and their rights. It also focuses on the issue of diminishing child sex ratio and improving it in order to equalise the ratio, beti bachao beti padhao short paragraph.
It is a social campaign aiming to create awareness and beti bachao beti padhao short paragraph the effectiveness of welfare services intended for girls.
The campaign was introduced in October to and was officially launched in January in Panipat, Haryana. Government is also using the power and popularity of social media and internet to promote the campaign.
Youth from colleges and schools are appealed to join and promote the campaign through street plays, drams, beti bachao beti padhao short paragraph, etc. In addition to this, schools and colleges organize essay, debate and speech competitions on important occasions.
Several other initiatives are taken by NGOs and Indian Government to save the girl child. The scheme was launched on 22 January by the current Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi.
The scheme intends to address the issue of the declining CSR Child Sex Ratio image and is a national programme run in association with the the Ministry of Human Resource Development, the Ministry of Women and Child Development and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, beti bachao beti padhao short paragraph.
As per the census data, the CSR child sex ratio of 0—6 year children in India was only girls per 1, boys inwhich dropped drastically in and remained girls for every 1, boys in According to UNICEF report, India was 41st among countries with such imbalance ratio. While addressing the nation inon the occasion of International Day of Girl Child, the Prime Minister, Mr. Social Media is playing a very important role in promoting this mission.
Sakshi Malik, the Olympics Bronze Medallist was beti bachao beti padhao short paragraph the brand ambassador for the BBBP mission. This gesture was highly appreciated and followed by several people from across the world.
BBBP is run in favour of women and focuses on the empowerment and development of women. The diminishing ratio of girls in the Child Sex Ratio CSR is the major pointer of women disempowerment. CSR includes both, pre-birth inequality marked through gender preferred sex selection and post birth inequality against girl child. Social discrimination against girls and easy affordability and misuse of the diagnostic equipments have resulted greatly into female child foeticide and ultimately decreasing the ratio of girls in CSR.
BBBP mission emphasizes on safeguarding and strengthening the rights of women. People are becoming more sensitised and several girls of India are bringing accolades to the nation and becoming popular on International level. Thus, people should stop discriminating between the girl and the boy child and support both the genders equally.
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme. Speech on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao. Slogans on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao. Abhishek Singh, is a content writer who formerly worked as a Electrical project Engineer. An engineer by circumstances and a writer by choice, He loves to express himself in writing. His day begins with writing and ends with reading in the night to share his vast knowledge with you all about the various topics He writes. Find all. Please Help us to improve, Contact us. Paragraph on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao.
Paragraphs on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao. Previous My Dream Essay. Next Essay on Drought. About The Author. Abhishek Singh Abhishek Singh, is a content writer who formerly worked as a Electrical project Engineer. Related Posts. Contact us Please Help us to improve, Contact us.
Paragraph on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
, time: 1:09Paragraph on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao - .
· Short and Long Paragraph on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao · Essay. April 20, by Abhishek Singh. “Beti Bachao Beti Padhao” is a scheme launched by the Government of India with the prime objective of eliminating the incidents of female foeticide and also to ensure the fundamental right to health and education of a girl child · Short Paragraph on ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ The ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ slogan is not just any other saying. A lot of effort has been put by the government and social groups to save, protect and educate the daughters of India. In the 21st century, India has progressed in almost all fields · Paragraph 5 - Words. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao is a campaign that was launched in the year , in the state of Haryana. It was launched to manage the gender gap in India. India is very well known for its rich cultural and social heritage. Still, there are certain cultures like sati, untouchability, the killing of a girl child, etc. for blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins
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