The PhD program in Psychology trains students for careers in research and teaching. In addition to a wide range of courses, the PhD program is characterized by close collaboration between students and their faculty advisors. letters of recommendation, and the statement of purpose. Additionally, the Department of Psychology places The Biochemistry, Structural Biology, Cell Biology, Developmental Biology and Molecular Biology graduate programs at Weill Cornell Graduate School are collectively known as the BCMB Allied blogger.comts may affiliate with any of the three programs, however they are initially admitted to, and remain members of, the BCMB Allied program overall PhD programs are all about training you to do high-quality, independent research. That is the purpose. In your statement, an emphasis on a love for teaching can be detrimental if it comes across as your primary objective. It is true that having
Top Ten Tips for Writing a PhD Application Statement of Purpose
All counseling psychology doctoral PhD or PsyD programs require applicants to submit one or more written phd statement about why the applicant is interested in and qualified to enter that graduate program.
Programs may have you write a single statement or multiple statements e, phd statement. Writing a good statement is one of the hardest parts of applying to counseling or clinical psychology graduate programs. One of the things that makes it hard to apply is the ambiguity and mystery that surrounds statements: what should I talk about? How long should it be? Do I talk about my experiences and interests in research, applied psychology e, phd statement.
To help prospective applicants to counseling psychology doctoral programs, members of the HAMMER Lab analyzed what programs told applicants they should write about in their statement. Check out our Counseling Psychology PhD and PsyD Personal Statement of Purpose Questions phd statement spreadsheet to see the detailed analysis, phd statement.
See the phd statement of this page for how we went about collecting phd statement. Before we review the take-home points of our analysis below, a brief reminder: Be sure to check out my other Psych Grad School resources using the menu above, such as Graduate School Advicethe How to Get into a Counseling Psychology PhD Program YouTube Video Seriesand What the Ideal Graduate School Applicant Looks Like.
I also phd statement completing the Mental Health Professions Career Testphd statement, which will give you interest scores on 21 different mental health occupations, including counseling psychology and clinical psychology.
Below are the key results from our analysis, the take-home points that every applicant should keep in mind:. We copied and pasted this information into in the Counseling Psychology PhD and PsyD Personal Statement of Purpose Questions google spreadsheet. Some programs did not provide this information on their website but required applicants to create an account in the application portal in order to access the instructions; for our purposes, we did not include these programs in the analysis, phd statement.
Thus, readers should phd statement in mind that our analysis phd statement based on a subset of programs that is not guaranteed to be representative of all programs, phd statement.
We analyzed the set of instructions to look for topical themes e. We also calculated descriptive statistics broken down by program type PhD vs PsyD. Skip to content. Personal Statement of Purpose for Counseling Psychology Phd statement and PsyD Applications, phd statement.
Take-Home Points Below are the key results from our analysis, the take-home points that every applicant should keep in mind: Most programs provide provide a suggested or required statement page or word length in their instructions. The most common request phd statement single-spaced pages. On the shorter end, some programs restrict applicants to words maximum, phd statement.
In other words, no matter what programs you apply to, you should discuss this in your statement. Specifically, you should talk about your professional goals and how getting the specific doctoral degree PhD or Phd statement at that specific program given the unique strengths and opportunities afforded by that program will facilitate these goals. Many programs do specify the type of experience to talk about; see bullet points below. As a rule of thumb, when applying to PhD programs, you should be ready to discuss research, phd statement, applied i, phd statement.
When applying to PsyD programs, you should prioritize discussing applied and multicultural experiences you can mention research too, phd statement, especially if that program specifically requests it. Some PhD programs often want to know why you are specifically interested in the PhD instead of a PsyD and vice versa, phd statement. Even when a program does not ask you to address this specifically, I recommend always discussing how that particular degree will help you work toward your career goals.
I always advise students to apply to 7 to 10 programs across the country that fit their professional goals, phd statement, since getting into a given doctoral program is hard and you need to apply to multiple programs to maximize your chances of being offered admission, phd statement. I want to know that the applicant has carefully considered the strengths and opportunities that our program has to offer and has applied because of those unique attributes. Thus, phd statement, even when not asked explicitly to address this, I recommend always discussing what attracts you to that particular program, phd statement.
This serves two purposes, phd statement. First, because PhD programs train students to be both scientists and practitioners and some also train people to be advocatesthe doctoral admissions committee want to see that a student has thoughtful research interests not too broad, not too specific, and sufficiently flexible given that students are still early in their professional development and is serious about wanting to get additional research training as a doctoral student.
Second, some PhD programs prefer to admit students whose research interests overlap with the research interests of one or more program faculty members. More on that in the next bullet point, phd statement. Our counseling psychology PhD program at the University of Kentucky uses this apprenticeship model and this is why we explicitly ask all applicants to pick one two at the most professors with whom they could fit research-interest-wise. These pieces go beyond past experience and capture what you value and how you plan to contribute to making the world a more just place, phd statement.
This is increasingly at the phd statement of counseling psychology as a specialty. As with the prior bullet point, even though a minority of programs explicitly instruct applicants to address phd statement in their statement, my anecdotal experience is that most programs want to see you incorporate this into how you talk about your experiences and goals related to both research and practice.
All counseling psychology doctoral programs train their graduate students phd statement be talk therapists, which requires being a good listener, showing empathy, problem solving abilities, a willingness to tolerate ambiguity, an openness to both positive and constructive feedback, and demonstrating cultural humility and sensitivity.
To determine which applicants show promise as future psychotherapists and would therefore be suitable for admission into the doctoral program, one thing we consider is your past applied experience. Faculty want to see that you have 1 some practice with basic helping skills, 2 at least one letter of recommendation from a supervisor of one of your helping experiences that states that your helping skills are good and that you show promise as a future talk therapist, phd statement, and 3 a clear track record of wanting to further develop your helping skills by phd statement out relevant opportunities.
Talking about your past applied experience in your statement is one way we can gather evidence about 1 and 3. Most programs do not ask about this topic and there is not an implicit expectation on behalf of programs that you address this in your statement. Likewise, some weaknesses are going to be socially acceptable e. Regardless of whether a program explicitly asks this or not, there is an phd statement expectation that your statement always address how your completing this chosen program will bring you closer to achieving your career goals.
, time: 10:26PhD Programs | Graduate School of Medical Sciences

The PhD program in Psychology trains students for careers in research and teaching. In addition to a wide range of courses, the PhD program is characterized by close collaboration between students and their faculty advisors. letters of recommendation, and the statement of purpose. Additionally, the Department of Psychology places Personal statements are often part of the PhD program application. A personal statement explains why you have chosen this particular PhD, how this choice aligns with your skills, experience, and academic goals, and what you plan to do during your study We copied and pasted this information into in the Counseling Psychology PhD and PsyD Personal Statement of Purpose Questions google spreadsheet. You’ll notice that we de-identified what instructions come from which program, as the point of this analysis is to get an overall snapshot, rather than to learn about a specific program (you’ll
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