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Professional associations are listed here at no charge. To arrange a listing, or to update our information, you can reach us by email at help charityvillage. SAHO is a nonprofit, non-government association of health agencies in Saskatchewan.
The AFCS works to promote and support its member friendship centres in their goals and objectives, and also to provide information on such centres to the public.
They also negotiate with all levels of government on issues concerning their member centres, and represents them on a national level. AFOA was founded as a not-for-profit association in to help Aboriginals better manage and govern their communities and organizations through a focus on enhancing finance and management practices and skills. The mission of the Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada is to improve the health of Aboriginal people, by supporting Aboriginal nurses and by promoting the development and practice of Aboriginal health nursing.
In advancing this mission, professional resume writers kitchener waterloo, the association will engage in activities related to recruitment and retention, professional resume writers kitchener waterloo, member support, consultation, research and education. They mentor and share relevant teachings with interested Aboriginal women of all ages, regardless of background or experience. The mission of CCHSA is to promote excellence in health care and the effective use of resources in health services organizations nationally and internationally in order to improve the delivery of health services.
Ensures the integration and expansion of acupuncture within the health care delivery system through professional and public education, development of standards of practice, advocacy and research. ADRAO is a nonprofit charitable association of individuals and facilities that provide addiction services.
ADRAO provides leadership, in Ontario, for excellence in addiction services by developing and promoting quality standards of care and disseminating information that assists its members to effectively meet the needs of their clients. A professional association dedicated to promoting leadership in the administration of volunteer resources and to providing a supportive network for its members.
The not-for-profit industry body committed to creating and maintaining community confidence in advertising. Its mission is to ensure the integrity and viability of advertising through industry self-regulation. Members include leading advertisers, media organizations, advertising agencies, suppliers and industry associations. A voluntary association of professional insurance and financial advisors, committed to helping its members more effectively serve their clients.
AMSSA of British Columbia is a coalition of over 80 organizations providing multicultural programs and immigrant settlement services throughout the Province of British Columbia. The Alberta Association of Midwives educates the public about the benefits of midwifery care and supports registered midwives in Alberta. Midwives are fully funded under Alberta Health Services and are considered the experts in normal pregnancy, birth, professional resume writers kitchener waterloo, and the postpartum period.
The Alberta Association of Services for Children and Families works to strengthen member agencies and promotes attitudes, practices and conditions that contribute to quality services for vulnerable children and families. Their website contains a variety of resources geared towards social service agencies. The Alberta Association of Sexual Assault Centres works to provide leadership, coordination, and a unified voice on issues of sexual violence while increasing recognition and support for sexual assault centres in Alberta.
The Alberta College of Paramedics is a self-governing body designated under the Health Disciplines Act. All practitioners must register with the College in order to legally practice in Alberta. Alberta College of Social Workers ACSW serves as the regulatory body for the profession of social work in Alberta. The ACSW also represents the social work profession in Alberta. It supports membership activities that promote skilled and ethical social work practice such as annual conferences and regional events.
The Alberta College of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists ACSLPA is the regulatory body for the professions of speech-language pathology and audiology.
ACSLPA is responsible for protecting and serving the public by regulating the practice of speech-language pathologists and audiologists in Alberta. The AHEA is a self-regulated professional organization whose members are dedicated to improving the quality of life of families and individuals by helping them make the best use of their resources. Founded in by a dedicated group of Alberta magazine publishers, the objective is to develop a strong magazine industry through distribution and promotion of Alberta-based magazines.
The Alberta Painting Contractors Association APCA represents the major players in the Alberta painting industry with a focus on commercial and industrial projects. APCA supports a skilled workforce providing quality service. APCA awards annual scholarships to assist apprentices seeking their journeyman trade designation in painting and decorating.
Luncheon meetings are held from September through June to keep members advised of Association activities and to provide a forum for guest speakers with topics of direct relevance to the industry. The Professional resume writers kitchener waterloo Psychiatric Association APA is the not-for-profit professional organization that represents the Psychiatrists of Alberta. For more than fifty years, the APA has advocated for its psychiatrist members by: providing leadership and support for their role in the provision of quality mental health care in Alberta; promoting effective professional relationships; and influencing health policy and clinical practice.
As a professional society and self-regulating body in Alberta, the Alberta Society of Professional Biologists is committed to the promotion of excellence in the practice of biology. The society organizes both symposia and in-house seminars on topics of interest to their members, professional resume writers kitchener waterloo.
ASLA links scientists from industry, government and post-secondary institutions to students and communities across Alberta. They also act as an umbrella agency for four science networks based in Calgary, Edmonton, Medicine Hat, and Red Deer.
Each network runs programs that place volunteer scientists in the classroom, offering experiential science opportunities to students — at no cost. The ADR alternative dispute resolution Institute of Ontario is a non-profit organization that assists the public, business and nonprofit communities, and government bodies at all levels to consider, design, implement and administer alternative increasingly known as appropriate dispute resolution strategies, programs and processes.
ADRIO provides training standards, accreditation procedures, and educational and networking opportunities that contribute to the development of a community of ADR practitioners across Ontario that is competent, well-educated and highly professional in delivering ADR services. Consists of over professional resume writers kitchener waterloo and represents archival institutions, all those working in archives, as well as users and supporters of archives, professional resume writers kitchener waterloo.
The association was established to provide a professional platform that will set ethical standards for operating galleries, professional resume writers kitchener waterloo, lobbying government on issues affecting the visual arts, and considering the problems of fake, forged and misrepresented art sold in member galleries. A society of health professionals who work in the field of rheumatology. Its members are dedicated to improving health care standards for people with rheumatic diseases through the promotion of education and support of research among its members.
The Assembly of British Columbia Arts Councils is dedicated to connecting communities to promote and advance community arts and cultural development in British Columbia. The only national organization exclusively dedicated to the promotion of research, teaching, and publications on Canada. The ACS is particularly interested in multidisciplinary perspectives and encourages exchanges and collaboration between different programmes, centres, professional resume writers kitchener waterloo, groups, institutes, and organizations working in the field of Canadian studies.
Actively promotes the common professional resume writers kitchener waterloo of Canadian advertisers and provides expertise, education, pertinent information, and networking opportunities. Founded inthe Association of Canadian Choral Communities is a nonprofit organization that provides a national voice for conductors, singers, composers, publishers, and choral administrators across the country.
Represents colleges and institutes to government, business and industry, both in Canada and internationally. ACCC also organizes conferences and workshops for college staff, students and board members, to facilitate networking and participation in national and international activities such as sector studies and awards programs.
The ACMG is a professional association of trained and certified guides and instructors that is dedicated to protecting the public interest in mountain travel and climbing instruction. It champions clarity in pension legislation, regulation and arrangements; good governance and administration; and balanced consideration of stakeholder interests. The Association of Canadian Publishers represents more than Canadian-owned book publishers, with members from all provinces, and publishing sectors including literary, general trade, scholarly and education.
In all its activities, the ACP aims to encourage the writing, publishing, distribution and promotion of Canadian books, professional resume writers kitchener waterloo. The purpose of the association is to promote the development and the growth of amateur theatre and the amateur performing arts professional resume writers kitchener waterloo Manitoba.
The ACEC represents companies in Canada that provide professional engineering services to both public and private sector clients. These services include the planning, design, and execution of all types of engineering projects as well as providing independent advice and expertise in a wide range of engineering and engineering-related fields.
This national professional Association was established to further the standards and education of individuals engaged in the practice of EMG technology and related disciplines; to promote and encourage the art and science of EMG technology; and to promote discussion and the exchange of ideas within the field of EMG technology, professional resume writers kitchener waterloo.
AFMC Standing Committees provide guidance on continuing, professional resume writers kitchener waterloo, postgraduate and undergraduate medical education as well as research and graduate studies.
The AFMC Special Resource Committees and Resource Groups also address a variety of issues relevant to medical education. The professional association of individuals responsible professional resume writers kitchener waterloo generating philanthropic support for a wide variety of not-for-profit charitable organizations.
Founded inAFP advances philanthropy through its more than 26, members in chapters in Canada, Hong Kong, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the United States. The leading education organization and advocacy body for healthcare fundraising professionals in Canada. A community of specialists, experts and outsourced contractors in many fields.
The AIC holds educational networking meetings, workshops, and their website has articles on consulting, a discussion board and a searchable database of consultants. Its professional resume writers kitchener waterloo is to serve as a forum for Canadian decision makers to learn, share and contribute to the understanding of best practices and emerging trends within the Internet marketing and sales field. A nonprofit organization that provides leadership to boards of health and public health units in Ontario.
Members include board of health members of health units, medical and associate medical officers of health, and senior public health managers. The Association of Manitoba Museums was established in and is dedicated to providing affordable training to members as well as advocacy and advice.
In addition they promote Manitoba museums to the public through their newsletter and website. AMCTO is the largest voluntary professional association in the municipal field in Ontario and the lead professional development organization for administrative staff in municipal government, professional resume writers kitchener waterloo.
Its mission is to provide training and educational programs to municipal professionals while influencing policies and legislation that affect the delivery of municipal programs and services, professional resume writers kitchener waterloo. ANSUT currently represents the faculty associations of all universities and degree-granting institutions in Nova Scotia, with the exception of Dalhousie University and the Nova Scotia Agricultural College. A not-for-profit organization with member centres throughout Ontario which provide community-based primary health, health promotion and illness prevention services to more than 70 communities.
APICS builds operations management excellence in individuals and enterprises through superior education and training, internationally recognized certifications, comprehensive resources, and a worldwide network of accomplished industry professionals.
The APB represents approximately dedicated biology professionals, including Registered Professional Biologists, Registered Biology Technologists, Retired Biology Professionals, Biologists in Training, Trainee Biology Technologists, and student members, professional resume writers kitchener waterloo. APEX, the national association for federal public service executives, fosters excellence in leadership and is an advocate on behalf of executive interests.
Created professional resume writers kitchener waterloothe association focuses on issues such professional resume writers kitchener waterloo compensation, the work environment and public service management reform.
The goals of APRA-Canada are to accelerate knowledge about research tools, methodologies and techniques and act as a central source of information about research. A nonprofit professional association for anyone interested in Records and Information Management and the related technological, legal, and corporate need issues within the industry. The ARUCC was created in in response to the professional needs of student administrative services personnel in universities.
Personnel representing the universities, community colleges and cegeps include registrars, admission directors, student records managers, student services managers and other personnel in the areas of student advisement and counselling, student financial aid and student placement. ASWNC represents social workers practicing in Nunavut, the Northwest Territories, and the Yukon Territory. It strives to build a solid membership base, provide opportunities for communication among social workers across Northern Canada; advocate for improved working conditions for Northern social workers, and develop strong working relationships with government.
The leading global professional professional resume writers kitchener waterloo dedicated to alliance formation and practice. They provide a forum to exchange alliance best practices, resources, and opportunities that drive corporate performance.
A network of professional theatres committed to the support, growth, and cultivation of summer theatre in Ontario. By fostering partnerships, developing collaborative marketing strategies, professional resume writers kitchener waterloo, sharing information, and networking with a creative and co-operative spirit, ASTRO provides vital artistic and economic opportunities for all of its participants.
A national professional association that represents interpreters whose working languages are English and American Sign Language ASL. AVLIC works to promote high standards within the profession of interpreting. Professional resume writers kitchener waterloo Association of Volunteer Management Professionals Nova Scotia VMPNS is a provincial association for professionals and leaders working in the field of volunteer resource management.
We promote competence and excellence in the leadership of volunteers by promoting professional development and networking.
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