· Contextual translation of "argumentative essay" into Tagalog. Human translations with examples: argu, pabuod, salaysay, sanaysay, argumentatibo, sulating pormal Argumentative Essay Example In Filipino you need your paper done in a week or by tomorrow – either way, we’ll be able to meet these deadlines. Moreover, it won’t affect the quality of a paper: our writers are able to write quickly and Argumentative Essay Example In Filipino meet the deadlines not because they do it half-heartedly but because they are very experienced in this Free essay samples tagalog poemdoc or essay example examples forgh school writing format students alexandrasdesign co topics argumentative essays photo cover examples of argumentative essays essay example sample persuasive high school simple for short secondary pdf paragraph samples tagalog persuasive essay examples high school template
Expository essay: Argumentative essay example tagalog
It is not all about English. In the Philippines, English prevails as the predominant medium of instruction. English is used more argumentative essay example tagalog teaching rather than its own national language which is Filipino.
All subjects except the subject of Filipino is taught in English, argumentative essay example tagalog. Philippines one of the few countries that does not use its argumentative essay example tagalog national language as its medium of instruction.
Filipino should be the medium of instruction in Philippine schools because it is the national language and it is already developed yet the students have not mastered it. Filipino should be the medium of instruction in Philippine schools because it is the national language.
The language of Filipino is the foundation of the Filipino culture. Filipino is argumentative essay example tagalog the students are familiar with and what they use for communicating. The students are also not using their full potential because they cannot use their own mother tongue in participating in argumentative essay example tagalog. They are having a hard time because they need to speak in English which they are not too familiar with.
Students who learn with their mother tongue would easily comprehend the lesson and perform better. In Kalinga, a test was conducted. The students were able to pass and gain a score above the average. English should be the medium of instruction in Philippine schools because it is the universal language, argumentative essay example tagalog. By learning in English, the student will be bilingual or even be multilingual and have an edge against other countries such as Vietnam, Korea, or Thailand.
English will serve as an advantage argumentative essay example tagalog the students when they travel abroad or even in their respective fields. Having it as a medium argumentative essay example tagalog instruction, the students will have greater competence in English and be able to compete since the world is globalizing Monsod, Using Filipino as the medium of instruction is vital in students learning. Although English is a universal language, Filipino is still the national language and as studies show, learning in the mother tongue is more effective for both Filipino and English, argumentative essay example tagalog.
By learning in their first language, the students will be able to build a strong foundation and will master not only their mother tongue but also additional languages such as English. Students who learn in their mother tongue are able to learn more effectively. Even in the issue of globalization, Filipino should still be the medium of instruction because Filipinos will be able to contribute their culture to the whole world with their language.
Also by making Filipino the medium of instruction, it will no longer face the problem of being weakened by English. It will be saved and strive furthermore Ball, Filipino should be the medium of instruction in Philippine schools because it is already developed yet the students have not mastered it. The lack of exposure of the Filipino language is making the students unable to master and be fluent in Filipino. By making Filipino the medium of instruction, the students will be exposed to argumentative essay example tagalog daily and gain fluency.
However, many think that subjects cannot be taught in Filipino but it is possible since there are available translations. Subjects such as science, math, and even economics have books translated in Filipino. There are many written resources that will aid in making these subjects teachable in Filipino. Teaching in Filipino will solve the problem of the students not mastering Filipino.
With the students failing the subject of Filipino in the National Achievement Test just proves how badly the students need Filipino. The students continuously fail and this has been happening for the past years, argumentative essay example tagalog. The students are continuing with their studies even though they have not mastered the basic skill of mastering their own language San Juan, There is a great need for students to master their own language.
English should be the medium of instruction because it will not affect the mastery of Filipino, argumentative essay example tagalog. Filipino is already the first language of the Filipinos so learning English will only add on their skills. Learning in English will help them learn a new language and there is no effect whatsoever in their performance in Filipino.
Although learning English will not affect Filipino but there is no denying that the students have not mastered Filipino. It is more important for the Filipinos to master their first language before they shift to another.
By not being able to master Filipino, they also argumentative essay example tagalog not be able to master English. They will only learn half of the skill and not the complete skill. They have to start from the basics. No one can deny the need for learning English but it should only be learned and not be used as the medium of instruction.
Filipino should not be degraded and treated as if it is the language that is unnecessary. Filipino must be the medium of instruction since it is the very own language of the Philippines and the students have not mastered it even though it is already establish.
Filipinos must realize that they must prioritize their own language for it is their part of their identity and culture. Filipino is part of their being. Ball, Jessica. Children Learn Better in Their Mother Tongue. San Juan, David Michael M. Monsod, Winnie. English vs. Mother Tongue as a Medium of Instruction. GMA News Online. Kalkan, Billal. Benefits of Being Bilingual in the 21 st Century. Daily Sabah Life. McNally, Sandra. Non-native Speakers of English: What are the Effects on Pupil Performance?
Wolfaardt, Dolores. Facilitating learning: An investigation of the language policy of Namibian schools, argumentative essay example tagalog. University of Western Cape. You are commenting using your WordPress. com account. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account.
You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Skip to content It is not all about English. Reference: Ball, Jessica. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading Debate Speech: Death Penalty should be Re-established in the Philippines. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:.
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Argumentative Essay Example
, time: 14:00Translate argumentative essay in Tagalog with examples
Argumentative Essay Example In Filipino you need your paper done in a week or by tomorrow – either way, we’ll be able to meet these deadlines. Moreover, it won’t affect the quality of a paper: our writers are able to write quickly and Argumentative Essay Example In Filipino meet the deadlines not because they do it half-heartedly but because they are very experienced in this · They will only learn half of the skill and not the complete skill. They have to start from the basics. No one can deny the need for learning English but it should only be learned and not be used as the medium of instruction. Filipino should not be degraded and treated as if it is the language that is blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Argumentative essay example tagalog. Jan 13, · Thomas malthus’s essay on the principle of population argued that would then be passed on to offspring through heredity, providing a means for new. example of descriptive essay tagalog Advice for students on topics for the new common app essays the common application with some excellent guidance for students and how
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